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Goodbye (Short Story)

Credit: Complete the Story by Piccadilly I knew I would regret the question the moment the words were out of my mouth, but I couldn't...

Brothers (Short Story)

Credit: Complete the Story by Piccadilly The breeze rippled through the trees and said "shush," but we didn't have to be told to be...

My Time (Short Story)

Credit: Complete the Story by Piccadilly The dog heard him coming before I did she woke out of deep sleep on the rug and was completely...

The Journal (Short Story)

Credit: Complete the Story by Piccadilly It looked like a shell, half buried, but as she dug through the sand around it's edges, she...

Gone (Short Story)

Credit: Complete the Story by Piccadilly The wisdom of old age is a curse and a blessing. so many things I would do again for pleasure or...

Maybe (Short Story)

Credit: Complete the Story by Piccadilly It was that fleeting hour of the day when the moon and the sun are high and bright at the same...

The End of All (Short Story)

Credit: Complete the Story by Piccadilly I've been missing for three days. I can tell because there's a tiny, high window in here and...

The Old Woman (Short Story)

It didn’t happen a lot at first. I just saw her once in a while. But, she gave me a weird feeling. She never spoke to me. Only starred....

The One Who Rides (Poem)

Where he go, out on his way? Does he flee from the sun? From the light does he run? The one who rides will not say Is there a place he...

Rods and Rings (Poem)

Rods and rings Needles that sting Ink that’s black Onlookers have no tact Stop looking There’s nothing I’m cooking I just like them Yes,...

A Little About Us

D.A. Daugherty and I are the writers, and then we have our awesome editor, Ken (“Oh my god, you killed Kenny!”). This is all for fun!

47 Bodies (A Short Story)

There was nothing he could do anymore. And, nothing he really wanted to do anyway. He assumed it was going to be easier if he just let...

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